Hi Matt

Le 05/07/2021 à 21:44, Matt Price a écrit :
> I have to write a number of text-heavy documents which need to be
> delivered as tables with wrapped paragraphs in most cells. Working
> directly in table format is pretty arduous and uncomfortable.  Has
> anyone ever written a function to accept a list or subtree as input
> and process it into a table?
> If anyone has done something similar, I'd love some tips!

Maybe you could use builtin Babel
Hereafter you have a starting point
- Give a name to your input Org list
- Process it with Emacs-Lisp (or whatever language you are comfortable
with) to output it as a table

____ self contained Org Mode example _____

Example of a named list
- abc
  + 123
  + 456
- def
  + red
  + blue
- ghi
  + big
  + small

Example of converting the named list into a table with Emacs-Lisp
#+begin_src elisp :var bbb=BBB :results table

| abc | (unordered (123) (456))   |
| def | (unordered (red) (blue))  |
| ghi | (unordered (big) (small)) |

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