
well, *i* no longer remember how to read calc-like expressions.  and,
i'm a notoriously poor R coders.  assuredly the following is not doing
what you want, but possibly you'll get the idea.  (if 102.01 is, indeed,
the correct answer, feel free to buy me a hot fudge sundae some day. :)

cheers, Greg

#+name: thing
| / | <>      |    <> |     <> |      <> |       <> | <>     | <>      |
|   |         | DMI G | DMNI H | ExNDM I | ExNDNM J | Result | Weight2 |
|   | Weight: |     1 |    0.2 |       1 |      0.1 |        | 0.1     |
|   | User1   |     0 |      0 |      11 |        0 | 10.1   |         |
#+TBLFM: $7=if($3>10,($3-10)*@3$8,0)+ min(10,$3)*@3$3+ min(10,$4)*@3$4 + 
if($5>10,($5-10)*@3$8,0)+min(10,$5)*@3$5 +@3$6*$6;f1::

- does "@3$3" mean the third column in the third row?
  - is that the "DMNI H" column?
  - is that the "User1" row?

i replace "@3" with the last row of the input table.

#+begin_src R :var some=thing :session R :colnames yes
  ## in imported colnames, spaces are replaced with periods
  some[,"Result"] <- ifelse(some[,"DMNI.H"] > 10, (some[, "DMNI.H"] - 10.0) *
                                                 (some[nrow(some), "Weight2"]),
                            0.0) +
    (min(10, some[, "DMNI.H"]) * some[nrow(some), "ExNDM.I"]) +
    (ifelse(some[, "ExNDNM.J"] > 10, some[, "ExNDNM.J"] - 10 * some[nrow(some), 
"DMNI.H"], 0)) +
    (min(10, some[, "ExNDNM.J"]) * some[nrow(some), "ExNDNM.J"]) +
    (some[nrow(some), "Result"] * some[, "Result"])

|      x |
|        |
| 102.01 |

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