Maxim Nikulin <> writes:

> Maybe, I have seen such warnings. However I have tested neither utf8
> nor utf8x on real examples. That is why I am unaware what can be
> broken in particular. For small examples with various symbols
> outside of ASCII, utf8x may give better support.

The main point: utf8x and the associated package ucs are not
maintained for quite some time (utf8x seems to be last changed in
2004) and as far as I understand have always been more of a workaround
than a solution. But I'm not an expert in this regard.

Nowadays the LaTeX kernel and input encodings like (plain) utf8 are
much more powerful and extensible and do play much better with other

Especially in the last few years the unicode support has become much
better (for all engines).

> I do not like that it is necessary to specify *all* fonts,

You need to specify all fonts that you want to use and that deviate
from the default (Latin Modern in the case of lualatex). How else
should the system now that you want something else?

And in the case of cyrillic: Sadly, the default fontset Latin Modern
has no good support for the cyrillic alphabet. But the name is at
least a small hint. :)

In LaTeX there are 4 groups of fonts: the main font (usually a serif
one), a sans serif font group, a monospace font group and the math
font set. If you use all kinds of groups and want differ from the
defaults, you need to say so explicitly. On the other hand: If you do
never use e.g. monospace glyphs you do not need to specify the
monospace font.

So here is a minimal version of your document that should work:

#+begin_src latex
\setmainfont{CMU Serif}
\setsansfont{CMU Sans Serif}
\setmonofont{CMU Typewriter Text}

Test¹ of superscript and ½ fraction.

\textbf{Теорема.} \emph{Пусть} $\quad α → ∞$ и $\beta \to \infty$.

\verb=Катет= и \textsf{гипотенуза}.

Åå. Text Greek α.

The package "unicode-math" should always be used with lualatex and
xelatex, in order to support unicode math input. In your minimal
example neither polyglossia nor babel are required, but explicit font
selection is necessary to switch all font groups to a fontset with
cyrillic glyphs.

>> (setq org-latex-default-packages-alist
>>          '(("AUTO" "inputenc" t ("pdflatex"))
>>            ("T1" "fontenc" t ("pdflatex"))

> I just have realized that fontenc behavior should be similar to
> inputenc and babel, e.g. something like \usepackage[T1,T2A]{fontenc}
> should be used for Russian.

Yes, indeed. It would be nice to support this all from Org. So if one
chooses russian as language, that (in case of pdflatex engine) an
option "AUTO" for "fontenc" is supported that get expanded to
"[T1,T2A]" and that the necessary font selection is also generated (if
not overriden with an explicit set choosen by the user). But a full
fledged multi-language solution, that supports more than just latin
and russion may be quite a challenge.

Until the next mail...,

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