Hi No, Eric,

* No Wayman <iarchivedmywholel...@gmail.com> [2021-07-23; 23:03]:
>> from an earlier thread, I recall you mentioned you were using
>> native
>> compilation? This is almost certainly the cause of your problem.
> This does smell like a byte-compilation problem.
> Seems to be a failure with any interactive, single-character
> %-escaped patterns in a template string (e.g. %^g, %^C, %^t).
> I've narrowed it down to a call to pcase in
> `org-capture-fill-template'.
> As Eric mentions, the problem disappears if the function is
> re-evaluated/instrumented.
> I have disabled native compilation and the problem persists with
> just a freshly byte-compiled elc of org-capture.
> Tested this with the following recipe:
> 1. eval the following:
> (org-capture-fill-template "%^t") ;fails with `unrecognized
> template placeholder: %^t`
> 2. eval org-capture-fill-template's definition, and then re-eval
> the above. Works properly. User is prompted for a time.
> 3. byte compile org-capture-fill-template: (byte-compile
> #'org-capture-fill-template)
> 4. eval (org-capture-fill-template "%^t") ; error is back
> Running Emacs 28.0.50
> Repository revision: 903ecd7bea7d8f99a7dc84150728219283d79bf0
> Repository branch: master

this is now emacs bug 49746

Because of No's email I did a git bisect and found a commit
which changes the byte compiler.

Ciao; Gregor
 -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-

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