
Titus von der Malsburg <malsb...@posteo.de> writes:

> 1. `org-cite-list-bibliography-files' returns the bibliographies
> defined locally and the globally defined bibliographies together.
> I propose to only list the local bibliographies, if defined, and to
> return the global bibliographies otherwise. I think the user needs
> a way to override the global setting if necessary. For example, when
> I work on a manuscript, I’d like to use that manuscript’s dedicated
> bibliography, but ignore my global bibliography. It’s very common to
> work with dedicated bibliographies IME, and the UI of oc-basic doesn’t
> show from which bibliography an entry is coming. So there’s no way to
> reliably select entries from just the dedicated/local bibliography.

As pointed out in this thread, I think using file local variables to set
`org-cite-global-bibliography' to nil is simple and Emacsy enough.

> 2. The oc-basic processor makes citations look like clickable links
> (blue, underlined, mouse pointer changes to finger), but when I click
> on them, nothing happens. I can only follow a references via
> `org-open-at-point'. It would be good to make citations clickable.

Done. Thank you.

> I also suggest allowing users to follow links via C-c C-c which
> currently doesn’t do anything on citations. The other obvious action
> that C-c C-c could trigger would be `org-cite-insert'. Not sure what’s
> better.

Neither. Both actions (follow and insert) already have a top-level
binding. It would be a waste to add C-c C-c to that. We might want to
use it for something different at some point.

Nicolas Goaziou

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