Hi All,

I've written a simple node script which imports events from an .ics file
into org, allowing them to show up in your agenda. This is based on
ideas discussed in
https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-google-sync.html. It is
effectively a Javascript version of the ics2org Awk script, but with the
additional capability of being able to automatically download the .ics
file from Google.

Prerequisites for the script are a fairly recent node version (at least
v12) and NPM. The script has only been tested on Linux, but hsould work
fine on macOS. Windows is an unknown quantity.

The homepage is https://github.com/theophilusx/icsorg

You can install the script by running

npm i -g icsorg

You can then run

icsorg -h

to see some usage information. Check the package README or the homepage
for more details.

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