Alan's request for a different LaTeX heading export made me think of this.

If what you want is deeply nested outlines in LaTeX, checkout the
'easylist' package for LaTeX on CTAN, It takes what amounts to
org-style outlines (where subordination is indicated by increasing the
number of a given prefixed symbols----we use *, easylist defaults to
those double S 'section markers' Ÿ, but can be hacked), and turns them
into numbered lists like this:

1 My main contention
1.1 Part of my contention
1.2 A further development
1.3 The clencher.  Which like the others can even be a paragraph.
1.3.1 which has a few parts
1.3.2 like this
2 My second contention...

It's intended for outlining an argument (rather than an outline of
headings, what we normally do in org), and can nest those little
puppies as deep as you want.  No joke, the documentation shows a
heading at level 10,001!

It also does checkboxes, configurable outline style (I.A.ii.a.)
numbering, and other things.   It seems that a trivial export function
could turn an org-produced outline into a form easylist could handle.
I don't know what it would do with org's 'body text', though.  It may
be only useful for outlines themselves.  But have a look if you have
an interest.  It's a very org-friendly LaTeX package.

CTAN entry:
The PDF documentation:

The CTAN Blurb:

This package provides an easy way of creating lists of numbered items
(with as many levels as you
want-up to TeX's limitation) like:

1. First proposition.
1.1. Comment.
1.1.1. Another comment.
1.1.2. And I'd like to add... By the way... This is getting boring...
1.2. So let's start something new...

The advantage over usual LaTeX commands is that items here are created
with a single active
character in a recursive fashion. Moreover various layout options are
available to achieve
maximum control (incrementing items, configuring styles, and so on).


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