Greetings Norwid.

Norwid Behrnd <> writes:

> Let's use your idea to use /multiple table formulae/.  Contrasting to
> your attempt, I don't mind to go the extra mile and to run a cheap
> computation twice for a result already in hand.  As a MWE 
> ```
> | quantity  |  value |
> | A         |      1 |
> | B         |      3 |
> | ratio A/B | *0.33* |
> | ratio + 1 |   1.33 |
> #+TBLFM: @4$2 = @2/@3; *%.2f* :: @5$2 = @2/@3 + 1; %.2f
> ```

Thanks, that is indeed a working approach. As you suspected, I would go
an extra mile or ten to avoid repeating formulae. ;)

Have fun and stay safe,


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