Just to clarify the BUG:
Citations in a footnote in the following environment are not exported to
LaTeX: when the footnote follows two or more citations, of which one has a
suffix, i.e. for instance in

Body text with a citation: [cite:@low2001; @mcneill2011 with a

Am Mo., 6. Sept. 2021 um 17:45 Uhr schrieb Bruce D'Arcus <bdar...@gmail.com

> It does seems there's a little bug with this; for in-footnote citation
> outputs, but the second not.
> Body text with a citation: [cite:@mcneill2011 with a suffix][fn:2].
> Body text with a citation: [cite:@low2001; @mcneill2011; with a
> suffix][fn:3].
> On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 7:50 AM Bruce D'Arcus <bdar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > This works fine for me:
> >
> > #+bibliography: test.bib
> > #+cite_export: biblatex verbose
> >
> > Body text with a citation: [cite:@mcneill2011].
> >
> > Footnote: [fn:1]
> >
> > #+print_bibliography:
> >
> > * Footnotes
> >
> > [fn:1] A commentary, and then a citation: [cite:@low2001].
> >
> > Results for the end is:
> >
> > Body text with a citation: \autocite{mcneill2011}.
> >
> > Footnote: \footnote{A commentary, and then a citation:
> \autocite{low2001}.}
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 6:04 AM Elias Bounatirou
> > <elias.bounati...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > > I tried to insert a citation in a footnote using Org-ref-cite.
> Unfortunately, when exporting to  LaTeX, the citation is ignored, i.e., it
> is left out and does not appear in the LaTeX output. Is there a way to make
> references appear in the footnotes or is there at least a work around? The
> footnote itself in my case was created by C-c C-x f.
> > > I am writing to the list, following John Kitchin's advice, who
> supposes that the problem might be a limitation in Org-cite, see also my
> github issue https://github.com/jkitchin/org-ref-cite/issues/22.
> > > I am using Org-mode to write a book on a linguistic subject and I
> absolutely (desperately!) need footnotes with references in them.
> Therefore, if the functionality in question does not exist, my mail is also
> a feature request to create it.
> > > Many thanks for your help.
> > >
> > > Elias
> > >
> > > (org-version)
> > > "9.4.6"
> > > (emacs-version)
> > > "GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.20,
> cairo version 1.16.0)
> > >  of 2021-06-04"

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