Le 23/09/2021 à 17:28, Daniel Fleischer a écrit :
> Joseph Vidal-Rosset <jos...@vidal-rosset.net> writes:
>> To capture an email and to link this message for gnus, I get now this
>> error message:
>> Capture abort: Symbol’s function definition is void: turn-on-org-provide
> What is your capture template?
> --
> Daniel Fleischer

In myagenda.el  I have this function:

(setq org-capture-templates
        ("t" "todo" entry (file+headline "~/Dropbox/Orgzly/todo.org" "Tasks")
          "* TODO [#A] %?\n
[[~/Dropbox/Orgzly/links.org::%(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil
t \"%:date\"))]] \n* %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t
\"%:date\")) %a "
        ("n"      ; key
         "note"   ;name
         entry    ;type
         (file+headline "~/Dropbox/Orgzly/notes.org" "Notes")  ;target
          "* NOTE du %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t
\"%:date\")) \n Voir %a " ; template
        ("H" "HOWTO: C-c C-s : schedule ; C-c C-d : deadline ; C-c C-w :
org-refile at a point; last: C-c C-t : DONE - F11-a: org-archive"
          entry (file+headline "" "") ""

But nowhere in this file have function " turn-on-org-provide" . :(

A suggestion?

Many thanks,


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