Hi Loris,

"Loris Bennett" <loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de> writes:

> Would it be worth expanding Point 4 to something like
>   This is where you configure Org-mode with Emacs. Please refer to Org
>   tutorials.  To test a locally installed version the following minimal
>   init.el will suffice:
>     (let ((default-directory  "~/elisp/"))
>       (setq load-path
>             (append
>              (let ((load-path  (copy-sequence load-path))) ;; Shadow
>                (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))
>              load-path)))
>   Replace '~/elisp/' with the path in which you installed Org-mode.
> ?

Sure - please send a patch against latest Worg.

If you want to get write access to Worg, just create a username on
https://sr.ht and let me know what it is, I'll add you to



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