
I briefly tried the patch today, and it seemed to solve the issue on my end, but I'm afraid a deeper analysis of the changes is beyond what I can do. As for it's relevance, when I didn't apply Sebastien's patch and disabled my temporary workaround fix I described in the original post, the problem it was still very much there.



On 9/27/21 13:01, Bastien wrote:
Hi David and Sébastien,

Sébastien Miquel <sebastien.miq...@posteo.eu> writes:

Thanks for reporting and confirming.
David, Did you have time to look at Sébastien's patch?

Sébastien, have you been able to test this patch heavily and is it
still needed, or has it been made somehow irrelevant?  (I see it does
apply well on the bugfix branch, but not on main.)

Thanks for any feedback,

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