On 30/09/2021 22:53, Bastien wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
It seems, something is wrong with worg deployment
https://builds.sr.ht/~bzg/job/598512 hints that a link was unresolved.
I just fixed this link, the export should process fine.
I have not noticed .buid.yml at first. So the actual problem is that
publishing using continuous integration system requires better
notifications related to build time warnings and errors (unsure if whole
build should fail due to a couple of files) and pre-commit checks with
org-lint. OK, I am kidding.
[exporting] org-tutorials/org-reference-guide-es.org
Unable to resolve link: ": ../mis_archivos/mi_pdf.pdf"
Thank you for the fix. You should be tired since release and related
stuff with moving repositories required a lot of work, rather tedious in
comparison with development of new features.