Hi Sam,

[ apologies for the super slow reply; I've been unable to keep up with
  the volume of messages on the list for a few months and am only now
  catching up; and didn't see your message sooner since I wasn't
  explicitly Cc'd on it ]

[ before I get into my reply, I'll quick mention that even though the
  CFP is now officially closed, if you'd like to and are able to send
  a proposal within the next few days, I can try to squeeze it in
  along with the other talks ]

Samuel Banya writes:

> Hey there,
> I always look forward to the videos that are done for the Emacs conferences 
> each year.
> I was wondering, is anyone doing a presentation on using Org Mode for 
> day-to-day work and personal work?

Sure.  I haven't had a close look at this year's proposals yet, but in
the last few EmacsConfs we've had a large number of Org talks covering
various kinds of use-cases and addressing various needs in one's
personal or professional life, and more such talks are welcome. :)

> I often use Emacs for my daily work as a technical support engineer,
> and write notes with source code blocks of different commands I've ran
> in the background since I often have to ssh into client based CentOS
> machines to troubleshoot some issues regarding the application I help
> support.
> I'm just an Emacs hobbyist at heart, but have a pretty tweaked out config as 
> well. 
> The main thing I wanted to highlight is how to utilize a todo list for work, 
> and life based tasks, as well as org capture templates.
> The only other thing is that I could maybe make a work-based todo list but 
> would have to create some fake ticket data due to it being work related, etc.
> Please let me know if that would be relevant as a video topic.

Sure, this sounds like something that could very much fit along with
the other Org-related talks this year.

I know it's quite the short notice (my apologies again for not seeing
this earlier) and this year's schedule is looking to be packed, but if
you're still interested and able to send a proposal for your talk, we
may be able to squeeze it if you could do so as soon as possible in
the coming days, following the instructions on the
https://emacsconf.org/2021/submit/ page.

> Thanks,
> Sam



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