On 05/10/2021 14:55, Rudolf Adamkovič wrote:
Timothy writes:

You’re going to be much better off if you just use LaTeX math delimiters, i.e. `\( ... \)'.

Interesting. It works, but I do not understand why!

Did you inspect HTML file? Playing with export, I do not see real difference. Result is "\(1<2\)" even for $1<2$.

info "(org) LaTeX fragments" https://orgmode.org/manual/LaTeX-fragments.html
highlight some issues with $:
 To avoid conflicts with currency specifications, single ‘$’ characters
are only recognized as math delimiters if the enclosed text contains at
most two line breaks, is directly attached to the ‘$’ characters with no
whitespace in between, and if the closing ‘$’ is followed by whitespace,
punctuation or a dash. For the other delimiters, there is no such
restriction, so when in doubt, use ‘\(...\)’ as inline math delimiters.

Do we consider inequalities in $$ breaking HTML export expected behavior? Or, do we consider it a bug? I suppose there exists no formal specification, executable or not, to answer the question?

Tom Gillespie mentioned in another thread yesterday:

    It would introduce incompatibilities with previous Org versions, but
support for $...$ (and for symmetry, $$...$$) constructs ought to be

    They are slow to parse, fragile, redundant and imply false
positives. — ngz

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