Hi Ihor and Bastien,

On Thu, 7 Oct 2021 at 21:08, Bastien <b...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:
> > We may want to put reference to Woof docs. Not all users are even able
> > to add headers to emails. Or we can simply recommend using word
> > "^Confirmed" in emails.

I second the mention of something like "Confirmed" instead of email
headers. I recently started reading Org mode list, reproducing bug
reports, and using email headers is something I haven't managed to do yet
(pending as I'm yet to set up some email client). Reading Woof!
documentation made it clear about other ways than email headers though.

> Yes - this needs to be better documented.  I'm currently working on
> the next version of Woof!, it will comes with many enhancements, I'll
> reference to the new documentation when I make the switch.

Awesome! Thanks.

Bhavin Gandhi (bhavin192) | https://geeksocket.in

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