Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> writes:

Greg Minshall <minsh...@umich.edu> writes:

(and, after fifteen years of vi, and now 25 of emacs, i guess i'll skip
the spacemacs experience.  :)

Similar past for me as well. I used vi from early/mid 80x until mid 90s and then switched to Emacs and used standard Emacs bindings until a
couple of years ago, then decided to give spacemacs a go.

I realised when I did I had very much missed the vi modal editing approach. I know it isn't for everyone, but I find using it pushes my productivity through the roof. I always tried to use keyboard navigation and avoid the mouse. Being able to use simple keys rather than complex bindings involving ctl, alt, shift, is just so much faster and easier on my aging and stiffining fingers, I think I'm now a devout member of the
evil-mode cult.

Same here, though Spacemacs introduced me to modal editing.

Spacemacs also helped eliminate many of my rookie errors configuring Emacs.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

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