Hi Ihor,

My ECM is as follows. I'm using GNU-Linux and emacs-28.0.60.

1. Delete any existing org-persist directory.
2. mkdir ~/a
3. emacs -Q
4. Evaluate path to latest org-mode. I enter
   (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/path/to/git/org-mode/lisp"))
   in the scratch buffer and do C-j.
5. C-x C-f ~/test.org <RET>
6. Enter the following in test.org:

* Test
  :ARCHIVE:  ~/a/%s_archive::datetree/* Test

** TODO archive test
   SCHEDULED: <2021-10-29 Fri>

# Local Variables:
# eval: (setq org-adapt-indentation t)
# End:

7. Same the file and close down emacs in order to populate the
or-persist directory.
8. emacs -Q <RET>
9. Evaluate path to latest org-mode, as before.
10. Open ~/test.org and make the TODO as DONE.
11. Save ~/test.org
12. I think I then closed down emacs and re-launched emacs to ensure
    org-persist noted the changes. I don't think this step is necessary.
13. With cursor on DONE  do C-c C-x C-a to archive the item.
14. Item is archived to ~/a but with the warning:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Warning (emacs): org-element--cache: Unregistered buffer modifications 
detected. Resetting.
If this warning appears regularly, please report it to Org mode mailing list 
(M-x org-submit-bug-report).
The buffer is: test.org_archive
 Current command: org-archive-subtree-default Disable showing Disable logging
Warning (emacs): org-element--cache: Unregistered buffer modifications 
detected. Resetting.
If this warning appears regularly, please report it to Org mode mailing list 
(M-x org-submit-bug-report).
The buffer is: test.org_archive
 Current command: org-archive-subtree-default Disable showing Disable logging
Warning (emacs): org-element--cache: Unregistered buffer modifications 
detected. Resetting.
If this warning appears regularly, please report it to Org mode mailing list 
(M-x org-submit-bug-report).
The buffer is: test.org_archive
 Current command: org-archive-subtree-default Disable showing Disable logging
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

15. If the test is repeated but with
    :ARCHIVE:  ~/a/%s_archive::datetree/* Test
    removed. Then we get the warning

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Warning (emacs): org-element--cache: Unregistered buffer modifications 
detected. Resetting.
If this warning appears regularly, please report it to Org mode mailing list 
(M-x org-submit-bug-report).
The buffer is: test.org_archive
 Current command: org-archive-subtree-default Disable showing Disable logging
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

It would appear that the local variables and the archive path are both
conspiring to produce the warning.

Best wishes,


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