Hi all,

in a clean emacs-28 install I do:

    M-x package-install <Enter> org<Enter>

I get:

    Possible completions are:
        org-contrib org-edna org-real org-translate orgalist

package-archives has:

    (("gnu" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/";)
     ("nongnu" . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/";))

I do list-packages, org is now listed as available in gnu archive, I
install it from there, relaunch emacs (again with -Q), do
(package-initialize) and:

- check org-version: it's still the builtin one.

- check load-path: doesn't include my ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5
directory (although it exists and installing other packages works as

So many things are not working properly:

1. I'm unable to install org using package-install.

2. I can install it from the package list but then it's not added to load-path.

3. Of course the builtin version gets loaded instead of the elpa one.

All this is in a recent build from emacs-28 with default configure
options (including native compilation).

Best regards,

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