>>> "JK" == John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:

> Probably M-x org-ref-insert-ref-link will do what you want. A lot of things
> got "simplified" in version 3 to leverage completing-read more natively.
> helm-mode should work with org-ref-insert-ref-link.

I see. I think I got it to work, but the navigation is not entirely
clear to me, if I fire up that function a buffer pops up with possible
labels but how do I do something like scroll-up and scroll-down?

> See https://github.com/jkitchin/org-ref#configuration for some details on
> how to configure v3 with helm.

Honestly I miss a bit the old behaviour, when calling a ref function.[1]

So I checked out the org-ref-2 branch from the github repository.

But still there the function org-ref-helm-insert-cite-link is gone and
other related org-ref-helm functions. Is this correct?

[1]  I mean the helm menu that popped up

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