
I recently came across the /hideblocks /and /nohideblocks/ startup variables for per-file configuration of org-hide-block-startup in the manual at 2.8 Blocks. I got it to work by using a header argument, but I think this would really benefit from being able to be set through a property in a drawer as well. As far as I'm aware, that's already possible, but if any other startup argument is specified it is overruled even if not relevant.

I think it'd benefit from being able to overrule the header argument like other properties in drawers can. Such that when you have the startup argument set to something like /show2levels/ you can also use /hideblocks/ per-heading rather than the entire file. Personally, I have blocks I'd rather not hide by default, while others like example blocks that I'm completely fine with doing so.

It's kind of late here, but I hope I came across somewhat coherently.


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