Timothy <tecos...@gmail.com> writes:

> Actually, it’s almost possible with the current implementation. Consider this
> example:
> ┌────
> │ #+attr_org: :width t
> │ #+attr_html: :width 20%
> │ [[file:image.png]]
> └────
> At the moment Org tries to interpret `t' as a number (and obviously fails),
> however with a small tweak that I think would be very reasonable to make, this
> would cause the behaviour you describe.
> What do you think?

Yeah, I think it's ok. To be perfectly honest, I still don't love it,
but I understand now that my disagreement was with a decision made a
while ago (from a quick look at the commit history, 2012 or before), not
with the one you made recently.

In my opinion the most logical solution would be for the width to fall
back on specifically attr_org, not just any attr_ when
`org-image-actual-width' is nil. To clarify further, my main
disagreement is with the idea that setting attr_html (for example)
implies that one wants the same setting in the org buffer. But, it seems
that ship sailed a while ago and now this would be a breaking change.

So, given that, I concede and I think attr_org: :width t is an
acceptable compromise. Thanks for coming up with that!

>> (IIRC this is how it previously worked, but I could be mistaken).
> You are mistaken. The previous implementation looked for `#+attr_*' too, but
> didn’t recognise proportional values.

Ok, thanks for clarifying.

>> Maybe a solution to accomplish all goals would be to add an #+attr_fallback
>> (or attr_default, attr_any, attr_all, etc.) that is used for any backend
>> unless a specific setting is made for that backend.
> Hmmm, I’m not sure this is called for.

Yeah, I agree this is wrong. I'd misunderstood the current behavior.


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