
If org mode won't blow up, kick out the restriction.

It is not up to us to decide what users will have use for or not. Besides, if 
someone specifies an outrageously wide picture by mistake, it's a mistake which 
is easy to spot and fix.

I finish my argument with a small war story. Many years ago  my colleagues and 
I tried to create a computational grid around a ship, for flow simulations. 
However, the grid generation program refused to follow our instructions, no 
matter what we tried. We reported this to the company behind the grid 
generation software, and it turned out they had imposed a 1000 m size limit on 

It just so happens that many merchant ships are almost 400 m long, and when you 
extend the computational grid sufficiently up- and downstream, you get a grid 
well over 1000 m long. Given the magnitude limit for double precision floating 
point numbers, 1000 m was a ridiculous limit.


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