
ox-pandoc is an exporter for Org Mode that uses pandoc (https://pandoc.org/) to export to a very wide variety of text markup (e.g. markdown variants), document (ODT, docx) and presentation (e.g. html, .pdf) formats. It is available via MELPA and at: https://github.com/emacsorphanage/ox-pandoc

pandoc handles almost all org text-markup features and offers many options for controlling output. With ox-pandoc, it can also be used with Org Mode's code evaluation.

ox-pandoc was originally created by kawabata, but had fallen out of step over the past few years with recent pandoc and Org Mode versions. As a result, it had a number of serious bugs. Current releases roll up a dozen or so fixes and enhancements and with the kind help of the MELPA team, the package is now distributed from a maintained repo.

The current version includes initial support for org citations in Org 9.5. This feature is experimental and I welcome feedback and reports on this or any other aspect of the package.



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