if you will forgive one more bikeshed answer, what about this?

- reduced org
- reduced org, version 1

and maybe

- .rorg extension [if and only if needed to guarantee reduction]

as for why you got bikeshed answers, maybe the subject header of this
thread might have been part of it?



as for [other thread], i don't think you are doing this because
reduced org is an interesting idea but:

> "Does "assuming too much on other people's world because on my own small 
> world" have a scientific name?"

"epistemic tresspassing" has been used for something a bit similar.
also i would use the term "drive-by paper" for e.g. making claims
about a disease that the authors do not understand at all but think
they do, wanting to try their ideology, measurement tool, or intuition
regardless so they can get a paper out of it, but that does not apply
here.  more generally are things like fiefdom/chauvanism, ideological
bias, and professional bias, which are different.  maybe there should
be a "small world bias" or an "if you have a hammer everything looks
like a nail bias"?  and a "common belief bias" and "cultural belief
bias"?  and a "my favorite language bias"?  you might also consider
the availability heuristic, saliency bias, epistemic injustice, and
omission bias, but those are different too.

i think it is a good idea to be interested in the possibility of
reduced org as a generic markup language.

On 11/28/21, Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> wrote:
> Hi Org-mode community,
> At this year's EmascsConf, I had a 12 minute video where I explain why
> we do need a different name for the syntax of Org-mode in contrast to
> the Elisp implementation of GNU/Emacs Org-mode.
> I would like you to read my rationale and motivate you to use the term
> "Orgdown" for the syntax and "Orgdown1" for the first (very basic)
> level of Orgdown syntax elements.
> - The EmacsConf21 talk: https://emacsconf.org/2021/talks/org-outside
> - Orgdown site: https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown (please contribute!)
> - My motivation article: https://karl-voit.at/2021/11/27/orgdown/
>   - This is the longer version of my 12 minute EmacsConf21 video.
> - My personal copy of the video:
> https://tube.graz.social/w/bgJVfjPLQAoJwLJQZoo3Hu
> Just as a sneak preview (not as a replacement for my motivation article):
> Orgdown is and will be defined in a set of levels, starting with very
> basic Orgdown1 (or OD1 or O↓1 or ⧬1 - depending on your coolness
> factor of choice :-) )
> - OD1 →
> https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/Orgdown-Levels.org
> - OD2 → will be defined in future
> - OD3 → will be defined in future
> - ...
> - OD∞ = Org-mode (by definition)
> Any OD-level needs to be compatible with Org-mode as implemented in
> Elisp for GNU/Emacs Org-mode according to https://orgmode.org. Any ODx
> is a sub-set of the syntax elements of ODy (with y>x).
> With introducing a new term specific for the syntax, we do get the
> benefit of getting a better way to handle Org-mode support in
> 3rd-party tools such as listed on
> https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/Tool-Support.org
> (please extend!).
> Having a well-defined sub-set of Org-mode, I also do think that formal
> definitions of the Org-mode syntax will be easier to develop, starting
> with the very simple OD1 level.
> It would be awesome if we start referring to syntax support in
> 3rd-party tools with the corresponding OD levels.
> I want to emphasize that the goal of Orgdown is NOT and will never be
> something that is an alternative to our golden standard Org-mode. We
> will try hard not to get into the Markdown situation where you need to
> know the exact flavor of the markup in order to produce text.
> So far, the response was great at the conference and I do hope that
> this idea will get a life of its own, developing the standard further,
> bringing this magnificent lightweight markup to the digital world.
> This also eases some pain for users of GNU/Emacs when it comes to
> exchanging text-based data.
> Thanks for your support here!
> --
> Personal Information Management > http://Karl-Voit.at/tags/pim/
> Emacs-related > http://Karl-Voit.at/tags/emacs/

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