Perhaps I'll try it, just for fun.  I'm pretty happy with my layout and
theme, everything, but maybe I could get some ideas.

Thank you,

On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 7:39 AM Thomas S. Dye <> wrote:

> Aloha Alan,
> Alan E. Davis <> writes:
> > It is interesting that an old timer like yourself would reach
> > for
> > Spacemacs.  I haven't, mostly because I don't think I need the
> > modal model
> > of Vi.  The keybindings of Emacs or so convenient and
> > intelligent I find
> > them to be enough.  Here's where I might have spent more time in
> > the early
> > days learning the basics better.  One of the things I like about
> > Emacs is
> > that I can dance around a page of text, in a manner that the
> > commercially
> > produced text editors and word processors I know have not dared
> > to
> > implement.  We are locked in to a dumbed down interface in all
> > the software
> > we encounter.  I cannot think of one example just now, but maybe
> > the way
> > one can move back and forth over characters and words.  I never
> > learned Vi,
> > except to be able to edit a simple config file if need be.
> >
> > I know I am over my head, and I have been so for the 30-ish
> > years I have
> > been using Emacs and for the time I have used Org-mode.  It is
> > more than I
> > can do to keep up with the newer complexities that are cropping
> > up.  Yet,
> > just like the plain text files, and the LaTeX source for my one
> > publication, a lexicon of animal names, they live on while
> > documents using
> > the high priced tools are not longer readable or editable.  And
> > through all
> > the changes, my little utilities for editing things that only I
> > could
> > probably care about, and I would not expect anyone to care to
> > learn---they
> > still work today.  I love it!
> >
> FYI, from another old-timer in over his head, Spacemacs has a simple
> option to enable Emacs key bindings.  You don't need to use the modal
> bindings.
> hth,
> Tom
> --
> Thomas S. Dye

      "As we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we *should
be glad of an opportunity to serve others* by any invention of ours, and
this we should do freely and generously."   ---Benjamin Franklin

      "This ignorance about the limits of the earth's ability to absorb
       pollutants should be reason enough for caution in the release
       of polluting substances."
                   ---Meadows et al.   1972.  Limits to Growth
(p. 81)

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