
I'm trying to take some notes and explain things (to myself, to
others). So org babel it is, yay!

This is my first (well, second: `:results value' turned up empty):

  Blah, blah blah...

  #+name: mklst/define
  #+begin_src scheme
    (define-syntax mklst
      (lambda (s)
        (syntax-case s ()
          ((_ e ...) #'(list e ...)))))

  More blah...

  #+name: mklst/test/0
  #+begin_src scheme :noweb yes :results drawer output
    (format #t "~S\n" (mklst 'a 22 "foo"))

But alas, the result has some noise:

  #+RESULTS: mklst/test/0
  (a 22 "foo")
  While executing meta-command:
  Wrong type to apply: #t

(the first line is the expected result; the two following ones I don't
know where they come from, and the third is, AFAICS, noises from Geiser
chewing in the background (org babel seems to start a Geiser session).

Is that intended behaviour?

For the moment, I excise all that noise by hand, but this doesn't scale:
the computer is faster at producing noise than me removing it ;-)


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