Am Mon, 3 Jan 2022 18:23:43 +0700
schrieb Max Nikulin <>:

> On 03/01/2022 14:41, Detlef Steuer wrote:
> > 
> > The patch in principle is unrelated to nextcloud. That's just my
> > use case. The addiditional TTL setting gives a hint to clients
> > when to reload an imported ics file that was exported from org.  
> I think, it is better to wait for comments from an ox-icalendar user.


> I am afraid, you will be tired trying to convince me that TTL should
> be overridden for all users (not to say that I am not a maintainer).

No, that wasn't my intention. Just tried to explain.

> I assume that some of them might have reasonable default in their
> server configuration.
> > Is there any document how to setup an org-mode developer
> > environment? Normally I use git, but I even struggled to use org
> > from elpa instead of the built-in version, so I avoided touching
> > this house of cards :-)  
> - info "(org) Installation"
> - info "(org) Feedback"
> After "make autoloads" I usually run
>      emacs -Q -L ~/src/org-mode/lisp
> In addition, I have a LXC container to run tests (and check for
> compile warnings) in an isolated environment.
> > Probably I should use a git clone instead of elpa, if I want to work
> > on org?  
> Maintainers prefer patches generated using "git format-patch".

Ok, thx for the hints.

> >> for some hints
> >> addressed to contributors.  
> I am not completely sure, but you patch may exceed "TINYCHANGE"
> limit, so signing FSF copyright papers may be a prerequisite to
> accept your patch.

Hmm, probably a good idea anyway.



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