Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> writes:

> "Christopher M. Miles" <numbch...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I git bisected org-mode source code, and found the commits after 
>> "410afd6f374e9" caused org-agenda
>> does not display scheduled and deadline tasks. Also affects org-contacts 
>> completion get contacts
>> email property.
>> I'm using the latest commit "dc4b2772e".
>> I use bug-hunter extension to test my Emacs config, confirmed problem is NOT 
>> on my Emacs config.
> Does it mean that you can reproduce using emacs -Q? If so, could you
> provide a recipe to replicate the bug you are seeing?
>> the commits after "410afd6f374e9"
> Is "410afd6f374e9" a bad commit? That commit had nothing to do with
> agenda or org-persist. The following fbff082f7 is just a version
> update...
> Best,
> Ihor

Here is my reproduce environment:

Reproduce test with =emacs -Q=

#+begin_src shell :eval no
emacs -Q -l ~/.config/emacs/minimal-org-init.el ~/org-persist-test.org

#+begin_src org :tangle "~/org-persist-test.org"
  ,* LEARN 🅰 Clojure Web Development Stack [2/12]
  DEADLINE: <2022-01-01 Sat>
  - Removed deadline, was "[2018-12-09 Sun]" on [2019-04-13 Sat 11:14]
  - State "LEARN"      from              [2018-06-01 Fri 09:18]


#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "~/.config/emacs/minimal-org-init.el"
  ;;; minimal-org-init.el --- minimal Org mode init file for testing.

  ;;; Commentary:

  ;;; $ emacs -Q -l ~/.config/emacs/minimal-org-init.el

  ;;; Code:

  ;;; [ package.el ] -- Emacs Lisp Package Archive (ELPA)
  (require 'package)

  (setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
  (setq package-menu-async t)
  (setq package-user-dir (expand-file-name "elpa" user-emacs-directory))


  ;;; Load `use-package' ahead before `package-initialize' for (use-package org 
:pin manual ...).

  ;;; [ use-package ]
    (require 'use-package))
  (require 'bind-key)                     ; if you use any `:bind' variant
  (use-package delight                    ; if you use `:delight'
    :ensure t)
  (setq use-package-verbose t ; 'debug: any evaluation errors report to 
`*use-package*` buffer.
        use-package-always-ensure nil)

  ;;; [ Org Mode (source code) ]
  (if (not (file-exists-p "~/Code/Emacs/org-mode/lisp/"))
      (use-package org
        :pin org
        :ensure t
        :ensure org-plus-contrib
        :mode (("\\.org\\'" . org-mode))
        ;; disable all extra org-mode modules to speed-up Org-mode file opening.
        :custom (org-modules nil))
    ;; disable Emacs built-in Org Mode
    (delete (format "/usr/local/share/emacs/%s/lisp/org" emacs-version) 
    (delete "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/" load-path)
    (use-package org
      :pin manual
      :load-path "~/Code/Emacs/org-mode/lisp/"
      :defer t
      :mode (("\\.org\\'" . org-mode))
      ;; disable all extra org-mode modules to speed-up Org-mode file opening.
      :custom (org-modules nil)
      ;; load org before org-mode init files settings.
      :init (require 'org)
      ;; add source code version Org-mode Info into Emacs.
      (if (file-exists-p "~/Code/Emacs/org-mode/doc/org")
          (with-eval-after-load 'info
            (add-to-list 'Info-directory-list "~/Code/Emacs/org-mode/doc/")
      (use-package org-contrib
        :pin manual
        :load-path "~/Code/Emacs/org-contrib/lisp/"
        :no-require t)))

  ;;=============================== helpful packages 
  ;;; add your customizations from here

  (use-package ace-window
    :ensure t
    :bind ("C-x C-j" . ace-window))

  ;;=========================== minimal config required for 

  (setq org-src-fontify-natively t)

   '((emacs-lisp . t)))

  (provide 'minimal-org-init)

  ;;; minimal-org-init.el ends here

[ stardiviner ]
       I try to make every word tell the meaning that I want to express.

       Blog: https://stardiviner.github.io/
       IRC(freenode): stardiviner, Matrix: stardiviner
       GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3

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