
juh <juh+org-m...@mailbox.org> writes:

> The last step was to make a symlink.
> sudo ln -s /usr/share/citation-style-language/locales
> /usr/share/emacs/27.1/etc/org/csl

This is odd. Locales and Styles are two different things.

> Citations in this format now works.
> [cite: @bibtex_key S. 63]
> I define the style in the preamble:
> #+cite_export: csl /home/juh/csl.styles-distribution/kritische-ausgabe.csl
> What I can't do is to insert a citation because org-cite-insert runs
> forever

You could try <M-x toggle-debug-on-quit>, then insert a citation, and
quit with C-g when it freezes. It should give you a full backtrace,
which you could send here. It is better if you reload Org uncompiled
first, with <C-u M-x org-reload>.

Another option is to send a minimal bibliography file so we can
reproduce your problem.

>and org-ref-cite-insert-helm inserts this:
> [[cite:&name_key_1984]]
> which does not render.

Note that Org Cite and Org Ref are, unfortunately, incompatible
projects. Org Cite defines citations as a new kind of object, whereas
Org Ref extends links to create citations. In short, you cannot mix

Nicolas Goaziou

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