Jan 14, 2022, 07:42 by maciasch...@posteo.net:

> fatiparty--- via "General discussions about Org-mode." writes:
>> _a geographical region that corresponds to present-day Israel and Palestine_

I have used the _ for underlining.  This could hove been misleading, because I 
do not want
normal text within the underlined part.  It is an example of emphasizing using 

It would be great if there was something else that instead of emphasizing the 
text compared
to normal, the part is downplayed.  I am currently using _ bet changing the 
colour to be faint.
But this is not a long term solution.

> In any case, from a strictly (ortho)typographical point of view this is a
> matter of nesting emphasis. If what you want to do is highlight a word
> within another emphasis (an underline), the correct typographical
> procedure is to italicize or bold that word:
> _a /geographical/ region that corresponds to present-day Israel and
> Palestine_
> ==>
> \uline{a \emph{geographical} region that corresponds to present-day
> Israel and Palestine}
> What you can't do in Org is nest emphases of the same order:
> #+begin_example
> /The translators of the /Odyssey/ in the Hispanic tradiction/
> #+end_example
> It does not produce in LaTeX:
> #+begin_src latex
>  \emph{The translators of the \emph{Odyssey} in the Hispanic tradiction}
> #+end_src
> It is not a matter of a passage being de-emphasized (it doesn't work
> that way), but rather that it is emphasized within another emphasis
> text. In the above case, the way to emphasize Odyssey in a text already
> emphasized in italics is with a normal font or with an underline (the
> correct thing is with a normal font).
> There are two separate questions here: how that is represented in Org
> and how it should be exported.

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