Hi George,
    Here is an example of how I call nested elisp and python. The
python block is an input argument to the elisp block in this case, but
the python block could be called directly as well. I'm not sure how to
pass arguments to the block from inside elisp via org-babel-eval
though, that seems like it would require some deeper
tampering/advising of functions. Best,

#+begin_src elisp :results none :exports none
(ow-babel-eval "neru-simplified")

The implementation I use is included below and is source dfrom

(defun ow-babel-eval (block-name &optional universal-argument)
  "Use to confirm running a chain of dependent blocks starting with BLOCK-NAME.
This retains single confirmation at the entry point for the block."
  ;; TODO consider a header arg for a variant of this in org babel proper
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((org-confirm-babel-evaluate (lambda (_l _b) nil))) ;; FIXME
TODO set messages buffer size to nil
      (when (org-babel-find-named-block block-name)
        ;; goto won't raise an error which results in the block where
        ;; `ow-confirm-once' is being used being called an infinite
        ;; number of times and blowing the stack
        (org-babel-goto-named-src-block block-name)
              ;; FIXME optionally raise errors on failure here !?
              (advice-add #'org-babel-insert-result :around
          (advice-remove #'org-babel-insert-result #'ow--results-silent))))))

(defun ow--results-silent (fun &rest args)
  "Whoever named the original version of this has a strange sense of humor."
  ;; so :results silent, which is what org babel calls between vars
  ;; set automatically is completely broken when one block calls another
  ;; there likely needs to be an internal gensymed value that babel blocks
  ;; can pass to eachother so that a malicious user cannot actually slience
  ;; values, along with an option to still print, but until then we have this
  (let ((result (car args))
        (result-params (cadr args)))
    (if (member "silent" result-params)
      (apply fun args))))

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