Hi Rudolf,

> To make SVG work in Org Mode and LaTeX, one must:
> (1) add “-shell-escape” to “org-latex-pdf-process”:
> OLD: latexmk -f -pdf -%latex -interaction=nonstopmode …
> NEW: latexmk -f -pdf -%latex -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape …
> (2) add the header line:
> #+latex_header: 
> With these two changes, SVG images show in both PDF and HTML exports.
> Why does Org Mode not have this configured out of the box?  I have just
> spent 2 hours figuring it out, and someone else will have to figure it
> out again sooner or later.

For what consolation it may be, I have a plan to make this (and more) work OOTB
while using the minimal set of packages needed. However, unfortunately I need
more time to refine my changes into patches I’m happy with.

All the best,

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