
I want org-mode to display a tab-separated values table ge-
nerated by jq that includes elisp links that do something
(differently) for each row, especially containing data that
is not displayed in other columns.

The source block:

| #+BEGIN_SRC sh :colnames '(Column\ A Column\ B Column\ C)
|   jq --null-input -r 'range(1; 4) | tostring | [ "A" + ., "B" + ., 
"[[elisp:(ignore)][Do it]]"] | @tsv'

evaluates to:

| | Column A | Column B | Column C |
| |----------+----------+----------|
| | A1       | B1       | [[elisp:(ignore)][Do it]]    |
| | A2       | B2       | [[elisp:(ignore)][Do it]]    |
| | A3       | B3       | [[elisp:(ignore)][Do it]]    |

which org-mode displays as:

| | Column A | Column B | Column C |
| |----------+----------+----------|
| | A1       | B1       | Do it    |
| | A2       | B2       | Do it    |
| | A3       | B3       | Do it    |

with each "Do it" being a button that, when pressed and con-
firmed, executes ignore.  Great!

Executing Emacs Lisp:

| (org-insert-link nil "elisp:(ignore \"1\")" "Do it")

results in the org-mode source code:

| [[elisp:(ignore "1")][Do it]]

so let's try jq generating that with:

| #+BEGIN_SRC sh :colnames '(Column\ A Column\ B Column\ C)
|   jq --null-input -r 'range(1; 4) | tostring | [ "A" + ., "B" + ., 
"[[elisp:(ignore \"" + . + "\")][Do it]]"] | @tsv'

This jq call, executed in a shell, evaluates to the output

| A1      B1      [[elisp:(ignore "1")][Do it]]
| A2      B2      [[elisp:(ignore "2")][Do it]]
| A3      B3      [[elisp:(ignore "3")][Do it]]

When org-mode evaluates the source block, it strips it down

| | Column A | Column B | Column C |
| |----------+----------+----------|
| | A1       | B1       |        1 |
| | A2       | B2       |        2 |
| | A3       | B3       |        3 |

where "1", "2" and "3" are not buttons or anything else but
plain text, and any other input has been permanently dis-
carded (i. e., is not just not displayed).

If however I set ":results raw" in the source block:

| #+BEGIN_SRC sh :colnames '(Column\ A Column\ B Column\ C) :results raw
|   jq --null-input -r 'range(1; 4) | tostring | [ "A" + ., "B" + ., 
"[[elisp:(ignore \"" + . + "\")][Do it]]"] | @tsv'

org-mode evaluates that to:

| A1    B1      Do it
| A2    B2      Do it
| A3    B3      Do it

with each "Do it" being a button that, when pressed and con-
firmed, will execute (ignore "1"), (ignore "2") and (ignore
"3"), respectively.

So in the first and third source block, org-mode teases me
that I can embed elisp links in that very nice table format
(first source block) with "complex" Lisp code (third source
block), but when I try to combine the two (second source
block), it slaps me in the face.

Surely I must be missing some obvious solution?  Is there
another syntax I need to use?  Do I need to have jq output
the raw columns A, B, D and E and then define a :post source
block that converts that to A, B and C = f(D, E)?

My alternative and thus benchmark for such "dashboards" that
show "stuff" and offer things to do with it are derivatives
of tabulated-list-mode, but their programming requires de-
finitions of functions & Co. that need to be updated syn-
chronously; an org-mode source block on the other hand just
does what it says on the tin.


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