that is a nice solution. I probably should have read the docstring on
org-footnote-get-definition  a little more closely, it has the definition
you need in it!


John Kitchin (he/his)
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
412-268-7803 pycse bookstore

On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 9:04 PM Juan Manuel Macías <>

> Hi John,
> John Kitchin writes:
> > I think this might be a simpler approach. what you want (I think) is
> > to leverage font-lock on tooltips to set a help-echo function instead
> > of a string. You can override org-activate-footnote-links with an
> > advice (which makes it easy to undo of you need). The tooltip function
> > then looks up the tooltip when you ask for it. The 3 pieces are below.
> > the first function looks up and returns a tooltip. the second is a
> > lightly modified version of org-activate-footnote-links which just
> > replaces the footnote reference string with the first function. the
> > last piece is the override advice. you could use a minor mode to
> > toggle the advice on and off.
> Thank you very much for your comment and code, which has helped me to
> clarify my ideas. Your approach is in a certain way similar to the last
> version of my attempt, which I attached in the previous message: through
> a first function I get the definition of each note, which is returned as
> a text string. And I also override via `advice-add'
> 'org-activate-footnonte-links' with a new function, which is also
> slightly modified, including a variable that gets the tooltip from the
> first function. The problem is that with my approach the tooltip does
> not appear on the fly, but when the next note is added. I think what my
> first function (the one that gets the footnote definition) was missing
> was the three arguments of your first function: `_win _obj position' and
> the (goto-char position), and pass it as a symbol (not as a variable) to
> the second function that overrides org-activate-footnote-links, as you
> do in your code. Modifying my function from your code, it would look
> something like this:
> (defun my-org-fn-get-def (_win _obj position)
>   (save-excursion
>     (goto-char position)
>     (let* ((el (org-element-context))
>            (label (org-element-property :label el))
>            (def (nth 3 (org-footnote-get-definition label))))
>       (when def (concat "Footnonte: " def)))))
> And it seems that now the tooltips appear instantly, and are updated in
> real time.
> Best regards,
> Juan Manuel

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