Hello Christian,

tl;dr: If you decide to learn how to use Hugo (read its docs, ask questions
on its forum, etc.), this[1] should solve the issues you have faced so far.



On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 7:04 AM <c.bu...@posteo.jp> wrote:

> ox-hugo with hugo is often mentioned in the context. But ox-hugo is not
> able to export everything out-of-the-box [2].
> [2] -- <https://github.com/kaushalmodi/ox-hugo/discussions/585>

Correct, because it is not the job of `ox-hugo` to figure out how the user
needs to export all the Org files. I see users coming with various
use-cases; it is out of scope of my free time to attempt to support all of
that in the ox-hugo package:

- How to export only the Org files that already have the Markdown exported?
- How to export Org files written for <xyz> package?
- This didn't work on Windows.
- etc.

So I encourage the users to attempt to learn a bit of elisp or Makefile or
bash to do this batch exporting for them. I have posted one solution to
this here[4], but I won't be surprised if this solution is not exactly what
someone wants (for example, that solution does not update the org-id
locations from everywhere a user has their Org files).

And the HTML files
> generated by hugo are not usable via the file:// protocol without some
> hacks [3].
> [3] -- <https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/where-are-the-html-files>

Those are not hacks; those are Hugo switches a user can use to generate the
kind of HTML they need (with or without ugly URLs, with or without relative
URLs, with or without RSS, so on and so forth).


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