Hi João,

João Pedro de Amorim Paula writes:

> I mean org attachments. I use org-attach extensively to store documents
> with notes. So I'd have a heading like so
> * Documents
> :DIR: data/docs/
> :END:
> - [[Registration][attachment:registration.pdf]] :: My registration.
> And say I'd like to rename the file. I would need to rename it inside
> data/docs and I would also need to edit the link, so I would like to
> have a way to do it automatically. I just got a computer back so I will
> be trying to adapt what you did to work with org-attach, but if you
> figure out a way to do it as well, please, let me know.

I see. This is a new version that would also work with org attachment
links. I haven't tested it much and the function is a bit tricky, but I
think it works fine:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defun my-org-rename-link-file-at-point ()
    (let* ((curr-dir (if (equal (org-element-property :type 
(org-element-context)) "attachment")
                         (concat (abbreviate-file-name (org-attach-dir)) "/")
                       (abbreviate-file-name default-directory)))
           (current-path (if (equal (org-element-property :type 
(org-element-context)) "attachment")
                             (concat curr-dir (org-element-property :path 
                           (org-element-property :path (org-element-context))))
           (new-path (read-file-name "Rename file at point to: " current-path)))
      (rename-file current-path new-path)
      (message (concat "moved to: " new-path))
      (if (directory-name-p new-path)
          (setq new-path (concat new-path (file-name-nondirectory 
        (setq new-path new-path))
      (if (equal (org-element-property :type (org-element-context)) 
          (my-org-replace-link-file (file-name-nondirectory current-path)
                                     curr-dir "" new-path))
        (my-org-replace-link-file current-path
                                   curr-dir "" new-path)))))

  (defun my-org-replace-link-file (from to)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward org-bracket-link-regexp nil t)
        (cond ((string-match-p (concat "attachment:" from) (match-string 1))
               (replace-match (concat "[[attachment:" to "]]")))
              ((string-match-p from (match-string 1))
               (replace-match (concat "[[file:" to "]]")))))))

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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