> > What is the general view of the community about this?
> I don't know about the general view of the community, but, as a data
> point, I find it very sad.

Exactly how I feel. Particularly so because org-cite was indeed inspired
from org-ref and all the great work John has done on this over the years. I
do not see any substantive discussion of the limitations that John has
pointed out with org-cite in the archives of the mailing list. We should
have a conversation about those.

If I understand correctly, the main limitation according to him is that
org-cite does not handle cross-references. Is that the only problem? What
do others think about it? Do we want the citation system to be able to
handle cross-references? If not, do we need a separate system that handles
cross-references beyond what is available in org-mode already? Can that
system not be created in a manner that would not break the org-cite syntax?

I think we should have a conversation and collectively think of what is the
best way forward.


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