Carsten Dominik said unto the world at 12/06/09 12:10 AM:

On Jun 11, 2009, at 11:31 PM, Dan Davison wrote:


(unless (string-match "Our project is a" sourceforge-submission-sentence 0)
 (message "shouldn't we follow the instructions?"))

1. Complete this sentence in about 140 characters: "Our project is

This is a good point, maybe they will be picky about it.

Also, I am now thinking the 140 chars, what to the english native speakers here think: Is this includin or excluding the given sentence start?????

I'm not doing so well at following instructions for this task :-[

To this native English speaking ear, it naturally interprets as asking for approx. 140 chars to be added to the `Our project is' lead in. However, the phrasing is a bit ambiguous.

What about changing the project's name to `OM'? That'd shave 6 more chars! ;-)


Brian vdB

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