
I spent some time playing with org-cite just to get some impression and I noticed some issues with plain text export. The only reason why I used text is that it is fast and the result contains no additional markup like for LaTeX or HTML buffers. Since it was a test example rather than a real life use case, it is low priority issue and perhaps may be ignored.

I am unsure to what degree it is Org issue, it may be partially citeproc.el or CSL style issues.

--- >8 ---
A citation [1].

[1] A. L. Schawlow and C. H. Townes, [“Infrared and optical masers,]”
/Phys. rev./, vol. 112, pp. 1940–1949, Dec. 1958.

[“Infrared and optical masers,]
--- 8< ---

- No "Bibliography" (or "References") section
- Emphasis markers "/Phys. rev./"
- Hyperlink outside of the bibliography entry, it is partially due to CSL style selection, for e.g. american-physics-society.csl result is better. - Rather strange hyperlink marker including opening quote and trailing comma, but not closing quote character.

With annales.csl the result looks even more strange, but it is footnote style, so it is unlikely suitable for plain text export.

Source file:
--- >8 ---
#+options: toc:nil
#+bibliography: obt.bib
#+cite_export: csl ieee.csl

A citation [cite:@schawlow1958iao].


# Local Variables:
# org-cite-csl-styles-dir: "/usr/share/citation-style-language/styles"
# End:
--- 8< ---

obt.bib file:
--- >8 ---
  author = {Schawlow, Arthur Leonard and Townes, Charles Hard},
  title = {Infrared and Optical Masers},
  journal = {Phys. Rev.},
  year = {1958},
  volume = {112},
  pages = {1940--1949},
  month = {Dec},
  doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.112.1940},
  issue = {6},
  publisher = {American Physical Society},
--- 8< ---

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