Carsten Dominik <> writes:
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 12:59 AM, Memnon Anon wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Leo <> writes:
>>> On 2009-06-11 21:49 +0100, Carsten Dominik wrote:
>>>> I am attaching the picture to this email, you can also retrieve it
>>>> from
>>> That screen shot looks very beautiful. There's one minor glitch. The
>>> font is non anti-alias.

>> I personally dislike a too heavily colored look.
>> Especially given the fact, that the headlines in this screenshot are
>> short and the keywords long (cf. STARTED - Invite speakers [2/3]),
>>                                 ~~~~~~~                   ~~~~~ (colored)
>> this results in a fruit salad like impression I think is rather distracting.
>> What about a using a *little* bit more decent coloring?

> If people only do as much as clicking through to the homepage,
> they will see an image with less color there, and this will
> adjust their expectation I am sure.

We cannot know what people will like to look at in advance. Maybe
they'll be lucky to see a screenshot with less colors to rest their
eyes on it.

In the web, The current `mainstream' tends to clean pages with lots of
empty space and a light background I think (e.g. emacs defaults). But
what does that say? 

What I mean to say is, that it makes no sense to take into account what
people (...cultural diversity...) might think about it as long as they
won't take offence of our products. 
Same holds true for the 140 character sentences. It should be done the
Org-mode way - and Org-mode is extremely flexible. Org-mode would accept
something between 100 and 160 characters I believe :)

Basically I would suggest to take an existing screenshot. We have one
screenshot here and as long as there is no alternative, I'm more than
fine with it.

The new unicorn is great.


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