When using the @techreport, @mastersthesis, @phdthesis, and @conference org-cite fails to find the entry. Export to some formats fails due to this.
To reproduce use the following bib file with all standard entry types: test.bib: @Article{article, author = {Article Author}, title = {The Title}, journal = {The Journal}, year = {2022}, } @InProceedings{inproceedings, author = {Proceedings Author}, title = {The Title}, } @Conference{conference, author = {Conference Author}, title = {The Title}, booktitle = {The Book Title}, year = {2022}, } @InCollection{incollection, author = {Incollection Author}, title = {The Title}, booktitle = {The Book Title}, } @InBook{inbook, author = {Alt Author}, editor = {Alt Editor}, title = {The Title}, chapter = {1}, publisher = {The Publisher}, year = {2022}, } @Proceedings{proceedings, title = {The Proceedings Title}, year = {2022}, } @Book{book, author = {The Author}, editor = {The Editor}, title = {The Title}, publisher = {The Publisher}, year = {2022}, } @Booklet{booklet, title = {The Booklet Title}, } @PhdThesis{phdthesis, author = {The PhdAuthor}, title = {The Title}, school = {The School}, year = {2022}, } @MastersThesis{mastersthesis, author = {The MastersThesisAuthor}, title = {The Title}, school = {The School}, year = {2022}, } @TechReport{techreport, author = {The TechreportAuthor}, title = {The Title}, institution = {The Institution}, year = {2022}, } @Manual{manual, title = {The Manual Title}, } @Unpublished{unpublished, author = {The Author}, title = {The Unpublished Title}, note = {A note}, } @Misc{misc, key = {Optional key}, author = {The Author}, title = {Optional Title}, } Then I try to cite each entry using the following org mode file. On my system using Org mode version 9.5.2 (release_9.5.2-426-gf6813d) the entry types conference, phdthesis, mastersthesis and techreport fails to resolve and export for some formats. test.org -------- #+TITLE: org-cite test #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: test.bib [cite:@article] [cite:@inproceedings] [cite:@conference] [cite:@incollection] [cite:@inbook] [cite:@proceedings] [cite:@book] [cite:@booklet] [cite:@phdthesis] [cite:@mastersthesis] [cite:@techreport] [cite:@manual] [cite:@unpublished] [cite:@misc] #+PRINT_BIBLIOGRAPHY: Emacs : GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.33, cairo version 1.17.4) of 2022-03-11 Package: Org mode version 9.5.2 (release_9.5.2-426-gf6813d @ /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/) -- Olaf Trygve Berglihn <ol...@pvv.org>