At 21:39 +0800 on Monday 2022-04-18, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

> "N. Jackson" <> writes:
>> Recently it seems as if Org Agenda thinks its window is one
>> character wider than it actually is. The incorrect behaviour I
>> observe is:
> I do not see any issues on both stable bugfix and main branches.
> Are you able to reproduce starting from emacs -Q?

No, it doesn't happen just with emacs -Q.

I have bisected my init file and narrowed it down to this setting in
my custom-set-variables:

  '(fringe-mode '(nil . 0) nil (fringe))

Here is a recipe to reproduce the problem from emacs -Q:

0. M-x global-visual-line-mode RET

1. M-x org-agenda RET n [To generate the default block Agenda.]

2. Notice that the line of equal signs separating the two blocks of
the Agenda is not wrapped. <== CORRECT

3. M-x customize-option RET fringe-mode RET

4. Click the Value Menu button and choose "Left only".

5. Click the Apply button.

6. If the Agenda buffer is no longer visible switch to it (or just
run org-agenda again).

7. Notice that the line of equal signs is now wrapped. <== INCORRECT

Note that setting visual line mode is not really needed for the
recipe, it just makes the problem easier to see. When visual line
mode is not on a $ sign is displayed at the end of the overlong
lines to show they are truncated, and that is not as glaring an
error as when they are wrapped.


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