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Comparing the syntax description and the real world behaviour of my Emacs 27 with org from yesterday it seems to me that the syntax description is not correct.

I cite "Plain Lists" section:
"If first item in a plain list has a COUNTER in its BULLET, the plain list will be an “ordered plain-list”."

This is not true in many ways because in the section "Items" a COUNTER is described as
"Either a number or a single letter (a-z)."

An ordered list item need to have a point after its digit. Correct is "1. item"; incorrect is "1 item". As an alternative to the "." an ")" is allowed also.

A letter is not a COUNTER no matter if there is an "." or ")" after it. An org-buffer and org-html-export-as-html does not recognize this as a list item.

Do I miss something? Are there any other characters that need to considered?

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