Julien Cubizolles <j.cubizol...@free.fr> writes:

> org-clock checks for the 'x window-system in order to use the program
> set up by org-clock-x11idle-program-name. Recent Emacs versions use the
> 'pgtk instead of 'x and as such will default to using
> org-emacs-idle-seconds in org-user-idle-seconds.
> The following patch provides a crude workaround.
> I'm using a python program (included below) to report idletime in
> wayland, using the idle-time module. It can be used for
> org-clock-x11idle-program-name.

Thanks for the patch!

As Tim pointed out, we cannot guarantee that things working on 'x build
will also work on 'pgtk. Instead of abusing settings for 'x window
system, can you please introduce a new function org-pgtk-idle-seconds
using a new variable org-clock-pgtkidle-program-name, similar to
org-x11-idle-seconds, and then update org-user-idle-seconds?

Please, make sure that the pgtk option works on Wayland as well (or not,
but we will then need to wait until someone tests the patch on Wayland).


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