João Pedro <> writes:

>> #+attr_latex[name]: <complex config goes here>
>> Vestibulum convallis, lorem blockname_[<<name>>]{text} a tempus semper, dui
>> dui euismod elit, vitae placerat urna tortor vitae lacus.
>> "<<name>>" will be treated as "<complex config goes here>" during
>> export/parsing.
> Although I do agree that this sort of solves the same problem as the
> other approach, but I, personally, find that defining new special blocks
> is not only easier to reuse, but more readable as well. But I'm thinking
> in terms of org-special-block-extras here, so take my 2 cents with a
> grain of salt.

I agree. But it is a known problem on defining new specific command vs.
running a new generic command with arguments. You can indeed define a
new command (block in our case), but if you just need to adjust some
parameter once in the whole document, there is no point creating a whole
new block type just for that purpose. Think about defun vs. lambda.

> [1]

I am not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but org-special-block-extras
could be a good addition to Org core.


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