Max Nikulin <> writes:

>> They both set process-connection-type to nil/'pipe. Somehow, this change
>> breaks org-open-file for me when org-open-file calls xdg-open and xdg is
>> confugured to open the file with emacsclient. I only see a flicker and
>> the file does not open. Sometimes, Emacs even crashes.
> I can not reproduce a problem, however I tried to factor-out xdg-open. 
> Emacs-27.1, a minimal LXC container, so "&" to simulate kde-open5 
> starting process in background. On the other hand I consider behavior 
> when emacsclient is called from emacs as confusing due to requirement of 
> C-x # to notify emacs about completion.

Try the following:

(start-process-shell-command "1" nil "emacsclient -c ~/.bashrc")
(let ((process-connection-type nil))
  (start-process-shell-command "1" nil "emacsclient -c ~/.bashrc"))

The second command will cause flickering, though opens the file in the
same frame (not the new as one would expect from -c switch).

To reproduce what I am seeing, you may need to adjust xdg- database
adding the following .desktop file:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Emacs Client
Exec=emacsclient -c %f

Then, make sure that xdg-open uses the desktop file for
application/x-shellscript (xdg-mime query default

Finally, run 

(start-process-shell-command "1" nil "xdg-open -c ~/.bashrc")
(let ((process-connection-type nil))
  (start-process-shell-command "1" nil "xdg-open -c ~/.bashrc"))

Observe flickering + Emacs not opening the file.

> Do you see the same problem for a function from mailcap.el in the 
> development emacs version?

Which function are you referring to? 


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