Arthur Miller <> writes:

> I was playing with org-capture today, and it strike me that it could be used 
> as
> a simple and lightweight alternative to create GUIs for user options, somewhat
> resembling the use of well-known hydra/transient or built-in help macro or 
> easy
> menu.

Is there any reason why you dislike transient (now part of Emacs core)?
We actually had multiple threads discussing possibility to port all the
Org dialogues to transient.

> I would like to propose a small 'feature/change' to org-capture templates, to
> inlude a new target: 'exec'. It should be followed by a function to be
> executed.
> I believe that this is a simple change that does not intrude on anything else 
> in
> org-capture, you can see the attached patch. The goal is to just circumwent 
> the
> createion of capture buffer, bookmark and other processing done by org-capture
> etc. However there might be things I am not aware of, so if someone have more
> insight, it is welcomed to hear.

It seems to be quite out of scope of org-capture. If anything, capture
menu might be factored out to a generic menu framework. But again, we
already have transient achieving the same goal.


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