> Hi Uwe,
> Uwe Brauer writes:

> One (pedestrian) way to achieve it, with this function:
I tried the following 

#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: myfile-office

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :eval never-export :results silent
  (my-org/export-to-path 'html "~/Desktop/" "html")

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :eval never-export :results silent
  (my-org/export-to-path 'latex "./" "tex")

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :eval never-export :results silent
  (my-org/export-to-path 'odt "./" "odt")

* Excuses

Jim: Which was? Sir Humphrey: 


But then the export to odt, did not work as expected the file was too small, 
but maybe odt is not the right setting for the export to LO/OO.


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