Debian based distros are doing some odd things with emacs packages by placing 
additional global load scripts in /etc/emacs.  I haven't fully figured out when 
they get called, but it might be they get called before your init file does.

I know I removed the default org mode install on my Ubuntu machine and haven't 
seen any problems.

-----Original Message-----

From:  Graham Smith <>
Subj:  Re: [Orgmode] In response to: .emacs works on Mac but not on Ubuntu
Date:  Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:31 pm
Size:  968 bytes


> What may be happening is that Ubuntu has a default version of org-mode
> pre-installed in the primary load path directories, so that is what is being
> picked up and not your latest version.  To check that, type
> dpkg --list | grep org
> and see if org mode was installed by the package manager.  If so, just do a
> normal remove and see if that doesn't take care of it.

I can't check this just now (as I don't have access to my ubuntu
machine at the moment)  but as I understand it Org-mode is distributed
with Emacs now, but the commands in the .emacs file over ride the
built in version and use the version in the path set up in .emacs.
That is what happens on the Mac, unless I have misunderstood.



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